Dream Bigger

Dream Bigger

Dream Bigger; the secret to reaching your objectives and achieving your aspiration is to be sure you have a written plan of action. There is no success road map if you don’t have a dream and an objective. Traveling to a distant location requires preparation and organization. This guarantees a smooth visit to your destination upon arrival. I grew up with the memories of our out-of-town travels. To make sure he got to the appropriate area, my father always had a map with instructions on it. It would have been quite difficult for my dad to make sure he got to the intended place without the roadmap.

To Dream Bigger your goal must be written down and you must have a plan of action to achieve them. Without written goals, your desires are just wishes. Moreover, without a plan of action, you have nothing directing you to achieve them.

Success is a progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal that includes four steps:

  1. You must decide what you want and you must write it down. A goal that is not written down is just a wish.
  2. You must decide to give up those things that keep you from getting what you want. Whether you give up television, partying, or any other unproductive activity, it’s critical that you focus on achieving your goal or dream
  3. You must develop a plan. This is certainly one of the keys to success. A well thought out plan is very necessary to achieve your Bigger Dream.
  4. You must work the plan. A plan without work is just a plan and will not achieve anything. You must work your plan consistently and persistently to achieve your goals and dreams.

You must have priorities:

To Dream Bigger you must be principled about how you prioritize your life. My priorities are important and they are in this order:

  • GOD – I make it my business to put God first in every aspect of my life.
  • Family – My family is very important to me. Therefore, I will work to ensure that they are taken care of and protected.
  • Business – My business comes as my third priority. I work to ensure that I am consistent in working my business and doing the things necessary for success.

When your priorities are kept in line, you open the door to success in your life. If you are consistent and persistent in you efforts you will learn and you will succeed. This is a fundamental principle thats critical to your success. Shortcutting this process will ensure failure; therefore, set your goals to be consistent in you activities to achieve your goals.

Some of My Goals and Dreams

My Dream Bigger Goals are to create a successful online marketing business that provides an income that allows me to be financially independent. To be able to have a lifestyle predicated on the things that I choose to have and not based on what someone chooses to pay me as an income. I am not excited about what someone else chooses to pay me but what I can pay myself by building a successful business.

Some of my goals and dreams are as follows:

  • Build my business to a level that allows me to earn $10,000.00 per month. To do this I will consistently study my craft and ensure that I am doing what I need to do to succeed.
  • I will give up many unproductive activities such as watching TV and other activities that prevent me from focusing time on doing things that create success in my business.
  • I will study my business and master each process necessary to build a thriving and profitable enterprise.
  • I will purchase a 4000 sq. ft. home on 10 acres by December 31, 2024. This home will have an indoor pool, workout room, equipped with a sauna, whirlpool and steam room.
  • One of my Ultimate Future Goals is to purchase a closed hotel. I will refurbish it and turn it into a training center. It will utilized for people that are homeless and may be having great difficulties in their life. This hotel will have a clothing center, classes that teach work ethic and responsibility and provide medical services and educational opportunities for the disadvantaged to build confidence and skills.